There are these days when I get completely exasperated with life in general. Every day goes by smoothly and comfortably but there are these days like the "speed-breakers" on the roads that discomposes me.
Undoubtedly, its just the family that endures it. My daughter is uncertain about my irrationality (imbibing some good family values ;-)) and husband who concludes that his fortitude has no bounds by putting up with my nonsensical rantings :) (he fails to register that I reciprocate similarly on his low days ;-))
"Reading, listening to Gurus, attending courses, yoga and meditation...huh!!..nothing has helped you.." is what Sridhar would declare(he has this crooked smile on his face) upon which I te-hee. I have a wide grin now as I type this out. Its just that when either of us are in the low or we are in combat to vilify each other the humor is even more heightened that results in good punch lines. When in solitude I often wonder if we look forward to these "not so smooth" days. Later, when I am telling Srid that I am very apologetic about my behaviour and not sure of how I happened to be so. He soothes my worries in his honeyed words "Oh whats fun without our little bickerings and squabbles" and I promptly accede. :)
"Gloomy days dont last for long
Life is nectared all along
All is frolic and Love is a song
Now I recognize where I belong"
Coffee, Wine, Tea....
13 years ago