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Tuesday, April 07, 2009


A week back, this vacation I am in,  felt like a very bad timing. AQMI employed 7 new marketing executives and we already had 3 employees. Training of the marketing executives started immediately to induct them into the system and the thought process. Nights when I went to bed it was tiring but I was learning in leaps and bounds. Whatever side of the organization one is, employee or employer, the experience gained is tremendous.

Orane Solutions, our IT company was also gaining some head way. So far we were moving but in small and slow steps. Out of the blue a good deal was on its way. I inititated the activity by meeting the client but the subsquent meetings would be attended by my other 2 partners. Then again, I was reminded this was not a good time to vacation.

Monday, when I was supposed to travel to Gurgaon for my 20 day vacation, the marketing executives had to step out and walk into the client spaces. All set and ready, extremely enthusiastic and excited. I wanted to be part of all this but then I had to go, so here I am. Yesterday evening I heard some good news, the marketing visits were in the positive direction. There were no sales but there was good movement and follow ups needed, which meant lots of hope.

Today, Nagesh and Prasad (my partners in Orane) are working towards meeting the client and also working on the presentation.

So actually I can cool my heels and relax a bit now. This is a well deserved vacation.......:)

And as a true business woman, I wouldnt let this travel expense go a waste. Meeting my cousin who will be heading the north india marketing office of AQMI to train him about the services so that he can market it the right away. Further, taking him along for business discussions as Im looking at office space in Delhi and also seeking business associations.

But what else is the proof that I have time for myself,  I got time to add this post on my blog :)