Friday, August 28, 2009
The Truth sets you Free
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Convenient Love

Monday, August 24, 2009
The flight

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Fear of Losing you
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A quote for Independence Day
Krishna nee begane baro
bEganE baarO mukavannu tOrO
krishna nee bEganE baarO
kaalaalandhigE gejje niladhabaavuli
nilavarNane naaTya maaduta baarO
krishna nee bEganE baarO
Odiyalli odigejje beraLalli ongura
koraLalli haakita vajayantimaalE
krishna nee bEganE baarO
kaasi peeTambara kaiyalli koLalu
pushita shreegandha mayallOLagamma
krishna nee bEganE baarO
taayige baayalli jagavannu torita
jagadhOdhaaraka namma uDupi shree krishna
krishna nee bEganE baarO
Monday, August 03, 2009
Life is happening :)
Sudden surge of projects in our company, lots of work but isn’t this what I wanted. Meetings, documents, calls, coordination, cash, cheques, resources, interviews ...the list is endless :) drove me near to madness last week but a 4 day break saved me :)
Family time is so de-stressing and makes all this worth it. There is so much magic and beauty of love in marriage. The love thats growing as the years pass by and a little one to further expand the happiness...!!
"A beautiful relationship does not depend upon how good we understand someone but on how well we avoid misunderstandings."
Spent lots of time cooking, long drives, activities with my daughter, cousins for lunch, attending satsang, just a nice cozy evening...leaving me relaxed and in peace, the boost my brain needed. Now when I am in midst of work with a big list to follow, I am working on it but not worried!
And how can I ignore the lovely events occurring in life. Connecting with new friends, strengthening the current ones and reconnecting with the long lost ones...& a happy soul I am with so much to cheer and smile about :)
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer -- it sings because it has a song."
Finally get to write some text on this blog; post awakening of my brain ....I can now write those long overdue words for a dear friend :)...wait up friend: its coming by :)