Hey this is a topic most of the auto commuters would love to discuss. These auto guys are a big pain. They say NO to every place you ask. They say NO more to females and less to males. They say NO more to females in western and less in Indian....
They are the necessary demons. Nowadays I just agree to 1.5 rate in the nights as I am chugging one laptop on my shoulder and a bag...sometime I have an additional bag after some some shopping done at Food world..then I am really desperate for one...
Check out this blog ...I hit upon:
Sometimes these guys are so used to saying NO that they turn back and realize its ok to go in that direction and without any argument I jump in. Look at the brighter side we become such patient human beings, we improve our selling skills (sell our desitination we are heading to..), egoless personalities (like eggless ;-)).....want to add some...do let me know ;-)
Coffee, Wine, Tea....
13 years ago
They are human biengs so we are , I hope you are in a Good position in your career, Let them make thier lively hood
I think you own a car Mr. Anonymouse :-)
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