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Friday, December 29, 2006


Mano Buddhi-ahankaara Chithaani Naaham
Na Cha Shrotra Jihve Na Cha Ghraana Netre
Na Cha Vyoma Bhoomir Na Tejo Na Vaayuhu
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Na Cha Praana Samjno Na Vai Pancha Vaayuhu
Na Va Sapta Dhaatur Na Va Pancha Koshah
Na Vaak Paani Paadau Na Chopastha Paayuh
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Na Me Dvesha Raagau Na Me Lobha Mohau
Mado Naiva Me Naiva Maatsarya Bhaavah
Na Dharmo Na Chaartho Na Kaamo Na Mokshah
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Na Punyam Na Paapam Na Saukhyam Na Dukham
Na Mantro Na Teertham Na Vedo Na Yajnaha
Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhoktaa
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Na Me Mrityu Shankaa Na Me Jaati Bhedah
Pita Naiva Me Naiva Maataa Na Janma
Na Bandhur Na Mitram Gurur Naiva Shishyah
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

Aham Nirvikalpo Niraakaara Roopaha
Vibhur Vyaapya Sarvatra Sarvendriyaanaam
Sadaa Me Samatvam Na Muktir Na Bandhah
Chidaananda Roopah Shivoham Shivoham

I am not the mind, intellect, ego, or memory.
(the 4 aspects of Antah Karanaas)
Nor am I the ears, tongue, nose, eyes (and skin)
(the 5 organs of perception)
I am not the space, earth, fire, air (and water)-
(the 5 great elements)
I am pure Knowledge and Bliss.
I am the self spiritual joy of pure
Consciousness Shiva, Shivoham, Shivoham.

I am not the Praana,
I am not the 5 vital airs.
I am not indeed the 7 materials,
Surely not the 5 sheaths,
Not the organ of speech, nor
hand, nor leg,
And not the genital organ, nor the anus.
I am of the nature of pure Knowledge and Bliss. I am Shiva, the most
Auspicious, I am Shiva.

I have neither hatred nor liking,
I have neither greed nor delusion,
I have indeed neither pride
nor jealousy,
I have no duty (to perform),
nor any wealth (to acquire),
I have no craving (for pleasure),
I am not being bound (for
I am of the nature of Pure
Consciousness and Bliss,
I am all Auspiciousness,
I am Shiva.

I have neither virtue nor vice,
nor pleasure, nor pain,
nor the sacred chant of
mantras nor pilgrimage,
nor the scriptures,
nor the sacrificial rituals,
I am neither the act of enjoying,
nor the enjoyable object,
nor the enjoyer,
I am pure Knowledge and Bliss,
I am shiva, the
Auspiciousness itself.

I have no fear of death,
nor have I any distinction
of Caste,
I have neither father,
nor mother, nor even birth,
nor relation, nor friend,
no teacher, no disciple,
I am pure Knowledge and Bliss,
I am all Auspiciousness,
I am Shiva.

I am devoid of dualities,
and I am formless,
I exist everywhere,
pervading all the senses,
always I am the same,
I have neither freedom nor
I am pure Knowledge and Bliss,
I am Auspiciousness,
I am Shiva.

This is my favourite, love to sing it and feel its best sung by Chitra Roy (Art of Living fame)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Aisee Vani Boliye

Aisee Vani Boliye,
Mun Ka Aapa Khoye
Apna Tan Sheetal Kare,
Auran Ko Sukh Hoye

Speak such words, sans ego's ploy
Body remains composed, giving the listener joy

This doha is a gem. It deals with human psychology, metaphysics and a basic tenet of the Indian philosophy. The ancients of the Vedic literature have laid tremendous emphasis on speech. They have mentioned in innumerable shlokas that our speech has a direct connection with our bodily humors. They proclaimed that sound and sight are the underlying source of all vibrations. This has been scientifically proven over and over again.
We know that all sounds create vibrations. And these vibrations affect both the speaker and the listener. Soothing, compassionate and loving words breed togetherness, while harsh speech breeds hatred. And, we also know that human speech is one of the main ingredient that differentiates mankind from the rest of the animal kingdom.
Thus, Kabir, in this doha crystallizes the power of the spoken word. He teaches us to speak in such a manner that keeps us harmonious and composed thereby making the listener feel a sense of joy in the communication.
Experiment yourself and rediscover the power of the spoken word.
Rajender Krishan

For more Kabir Dohas, check the link below:

हर एक बात पे कहते हो

हर एक बात पे कहते हो तुम कि तू क्या है?
तुम ही कहो कि ये अंदाज़-ए-ग़ुफ़्तगू क्या है?
रगों में दौड़ते फिरने के हम नहीं क़ायल
जब आँख ही से न टपका तो फिर लहू क्या है?
चिपक रहा है बदन पर लहू से पैराहन
हमारी जेब को अब हाजत-ए-रफ़ू क्या है?
जला है जिस्म जहाँ दिल भी जल गया होगा,
कुरेदते हो जो अब राख जुस्तजू क्या है?
रही ना ताक़त-ए-गुफ़्तार और हो भी
तो किस उम्मीद पे कहिए कि आरज़ू क्या है?

ग़ुफ़्तगू = Conversation
अंदाज़-ए-ग़ुफ़्तगू = Style of Conversation
पैराहन = Shirt, Robe, Clothe
हाजत-ए-रफ़ू = Need of mending (हाजत = Need)
गुफ़्तार = Conversation
ताक़त-ए-गुफ़्तार = Strength for Conversation

Ranjish hi Sahi (Another dose of Ghazal)

ranjish hii sahii dil hii dukhaane ke liye aa
aa phir se mujhe chho.D ke jaane ke liye aa

pahale se maraasim na sahii phir bhii kabhii to
rasm-o-rahe duniyaa hii niibhaane ke liye aa

kis kis ko bataaye.nge judaa_ii kaa sabab ham
tuu mujh se Khafaa hai to zamaane ke liye aa

kuchh to mere pindaar-e-muhabbat ka bharam rakh
tuu bhii to kabhii mujh ko manaane ke liye aa

ek umr se huu.N lazzat-e-giriyaa se bhii maharuum
ai raahat-e-jaa.N mujh ko rulaane ke liye aa

ab tak dil-e-Khush_faham ko tujh se hai.n ummiide.n ye aa
Khirii shamme.n bhii bujhaane ke liye aa

maanaa ki muhabbat kaa chhipaanaa hai muhabbat
chupake se kisii roz jataane ke liye aa

jaise tujhe aate hai.n na aane ke bahaane
aise hii kisii roz na jaane ke liye aa

Monday, December 25, 2006

Remembering Mr. Prabhu

Refer my earlier post "First Visit to the Old Age Home"

Post this visit we had formed a team of 5: Deepak, Sridhar (husband), Siddharth, Saumar & I. We had a first party at the old age home and all of us enjoyed. Siddharth took some pics too (I havent seen it as yet). Later we took some of the people at the old age home to the ISCKON temple. So there seemed to be some progress in our activities.

I got busy in a new job, travels (personal/official), moving to new office. Others in the group also got busy. Deepak and Siddharth also got a new job. Saumar was busy with his GMAT studies and well Sridhar also was traveling to US, Delhi and London for different work assignments. Our visits the old Age home stopped all together.

When I got back from Sydney I wanted to drop by at the Old Age Home. Last Sunday I took Nidhi along and dropped by their office. From a distance I kept looking at the window near which Mr Prabhu (Manager) sat and saw the empty chair. Thought it was a Sunday so he wouldnt be around as he is on leave on Sundays. I spoke to a person who is the Trustee. I told him about my reasons why I couldnt come. He told it was fine. I asked him about Mr Prabhu. I told maybe he hasnt come as its a Sunday. He told he wont be coming any more. I thought probably he left his job and then he told me that Mr Prabhu died 3 months back due to an heart attack. It was a real shock to me. Well I dont remember the Trustee's name as he didnt interact with me much earlier and wasnt too welcoming during our earlier visits. But he suddenly was softer and nice to me. He told that its all fate. I agreed saying its going to happen to all of us. Then I told him if it was ok if I could meet the people at the old age home. He told that they would be sleeping now post lunch and it wouldnt be wise to disturb then. I told what about the future he told me there is a new manager who has come and I can meet him and work out the details.

I will truly miss Mr. Prabhu and remember him for all the interactions we had. Now I need to get back to action and serve the people in the Ashram. Its better late than never!

Purpose of Life

Sometimes I wonder why we humans were created. There is Birth & Death and it keeps suprising or shocking us as new even though this is the natural way. There is so much happiness during birth, we are so awed by the creation. We forget that we ourselves are an outcome of the creation process :-)
And Death always shocks us, like it never happened before.

When I see my life and people around me, I sometimes feel the purpose of life is to just forget ourselves, our identity and live our lives for a bigger purpose beyond us. God provides us with situations every day, every moment so that we can achieve this but we cant see it, we have our small victories to achieve.

Happy situations excite us and sad situations depress us. Is it wrong to be human and react so? Certainly not but an awareness of our behaviour helps us closer to our purpose!! :-)

Visit to the Butterfly park!

Sunday was not a smart idea to goto the Banerghatta National park which is 30 mins drive from our home but for Nidhi we decided to do so. The drive was smooth and we reached there quickly but when we entered the place it was crowed like the whole nation was there. The first thought was to get away from there :-) The line to get the entry tickets to Zoo was never ending, it would take more than an hour. So we decided to just park the car and hang around outside near the food stalls and go back. We saw an Elephant ride happening near the Parking area but we decided against that because of the crowd.

Sridhar had a roasted bhutta (corn) and I had some raw mangoes with the masala was fun! :-) Nidhi had little of the raw mango even though it was sour. I went in search of boiled corn and finally got it....Nidhi liked this compared to the roasted one..! I also had some bhelpuri which I shared with a beggar girl.

So now with the 'pet pooja' done we decided to head back home ;-) As we were nearing the car at the parking area we saw directions to a 'Butterfly Park'. We were quite excited about it and took entry tickets. There was not much of crowd here as it opened a week back and not many knew about it.

It was a beautiful place with all kind of butterflies in a huge enclosed garden. Also there was an exhibition area with posters, information and a video session. I remember one quote from the video session:
"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne"

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Appreciation of Cooking

I got back from Sydney and was enjoying food cooked by our Cook. It was lunch time and we need to re-heat the food. When was done Sridhar and I sat to enjoy the food. Sridhar was upset that the 'Dal' was not heated properly. I got even more upset and commented "I took some effort to microwave all the food and you cant appreciate it"
We broke into a laugh after that because this reminded us of my earlier comments years back when I used to take the trouble of cooking :-)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


by: Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

THE tame bird was in a cage, the free bird was in the forest.
They met when the time came, it was a decree of fate.
The free bird cries, "O my love, let us fly to the wood."
The cage bird whispers, "Come hither, let us both live in the cage."
Says the free bird, "Among bars, where is there room to spread one's wings?"
"Alas," cries the caged bird, "I should not know where to sit perched in the sky."

The free bird cries, "My darling, sing the songs of the woodlands."
The cage bird sings, "Sit by my side, I'll teach you the speech of the learned."
The forest bird cries, "No, ah no! songs can never be taught."
The cage bird says, "Alas for me, I know not the songs of the woodlands."

There love is intense with longing, but they never can fly wing to wing.
Through the bars of the cage they look, and vain is their wish to know each other.
They flutter their wings in yearning, and sing, "Come closer, my love!"
The free bird cries, "It cannot be, I fear the closed doors of the cage."
The cage bird whispers, "Alas, my wings are powerless and dead."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Lyrics of Chal Chale

chal chale apane ghar ai mere hamsafar
band darwaze kar sabse ho bekhabar
pyar dono kare raat bhar tootkar
chal chale apane ghar hamsafar - 2
na jahaan bheed ho na jahaan bhar ke log
na shehar mein base laakhon logon ka shor
chand lamhen tu inse mujhe durr kar
chal chale apane ghar hamsafar - 2
duriyaan dene ka jo bhi hai darmiyaan
aaj kuchh aise mil ek ho jaaye jaan
bhar mujhe baahon mein le duba chaah mein
pyar kar tu bepanaha khatam raaton ke ho silsilay
yun laga le mujhe aaj apane gale
durr har bandishen aaj mujhmein utar
chal chale apane ghar hamsafar - 2

Joy & Sorrow

Joy and Sorrow Then a woman said, 'Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow.'
And he answered:
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
And how else can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Is not the cup that hold your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?
And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
Some of you say, 'Joy is greater than sorrow,' and others say, 'Nay, sorrow is the greater.'
But I say unto you, they are inseparable.
Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.
Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.
Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.
When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall.
Kahlil Gibran

Monday, December 11, 2006


The following an excerpt from THE STORY OF MY EXPERIMENTS WITH TRUTH By Mahatma Gandhi, PART 2-CHAPTER VIII

...The train reached Maritzburg, the capital of Natal, at about 9 p.m. Beddings used to be provided at this station. A railway servant came and asked me if I wanted one. "No," said I, "I have one with me." He went away. But a passenger came next, and looked me up and down. He saw that I was a "coloured" man. This disturbed him.

Out he went and came in again with one or two officials. They all kept quiet, when another official came to me and said, "Come along, you must go to the van compartment." "But I have a first-class ticket," said I.

"That doesn"t matter," rejoined the other. "I tell you, you must go to the van compartment." "I tell you, I was permitted to travel in this compartment at Durban, and I insist on going on in it." "No, you won"t," said the official. "You must leave this compa rtment, or else I shall have to call a police constable to push you out." "Yes, you may. I refuse to get out voluntarily." The constable came. He took me by the hand and pushed me out. My luggage was also taken out. I refused to go to the other compartment and the train steamed away. I went and sat in the waiting room, keeping my hand-bag with me, and leaving the other luggage where it was. The railway authorities had taken charge of it.

It was winter, and winter in the higher regions of South Africa is severely cold. Maritzburg being at a high altitude, the cold was extremely bitter. My over-coat was in my luggage, but I did not dare to ask for it lest I should be insulted again, so I sat and shivered. There was no light in the room. A passenger came in at about midnight and possibly wanted to talk to me. But I was in no mood to talk.

I began to think of my duty. Should I fight for my rights or go back to India, or should I go on to Pretoria without minding the insults, and return to India after finishing the case ? It would be cowardice to run back to India without fulfilling my obligation. The hardship to which I was subjected was superficial-only a symptom of the deep disease of colour prejudice. I should try, if possible, to root out the disease and suffer hardships in the process. Redress for wrongs I should seek only to the extent that would be necessary for the removal of the colour prejudice.

So I decided to take the next available train to Pretoria...

To read more go to this link:

Reason and Passion

And the priestess spoke again and said: 'Speak to us of Reason and Passion.'

And he answered saying:

Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite.

Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.

But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?

Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.

If either your sails or our rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.

For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.

Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion; that it may sing;

And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.

I would have you consider your judgment and your appetite even as you would two loved guests in your house.

Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.

Among the hills, when you sit in the cool shade of the white poplars, sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows - then let your heart say in silence, 'God rests in reason.'

And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky, - then let your heart say in awe, 'God moves in passion.'

And since you are a breath In God's sphere, and a leaf in God's forest, you too should rest in reason and move in passion.

Kahlil Gibran

What is Love?

"Love is like the sunshine; no matter how tightly you shut down your heart, the sunlight will find a way to shine into it. Love’s process is unstoppable. "

-Nurmuhemmet Yasin

Read this article, interesting one:

Meditation, or When Time Stands Still

"THE SPEAKING TREE: Meditation, or When Time Stands Still

Meditation is the opposite of doing. It is non-doing. We spend most of our lives in doing, striving, planning, and reacting. We tend to have little awareness of the constant and relentless activity of our own mind and how much we are driven by it. That's no surprise as we hardly ever stop and observe the mind directly to see what it is up to. It takes a while for us to start looking at our mind; to get comfortable with the richness of allowing ourselves to just be with our own mind. It's a little like meeting an old friend in years. There may be some awkwardness at first. It may take some time to re-establish the bond. "

Read complete article on:

Aaj Jaane Ki Zid

Aaj Jaane Ki Zid
By Faiyyaz Hashmi
Translated by Ayesha Kaljuvee

Aaj jaane ki zid na karo Tonight,
[don’t insist on leaving]

Yunhi pehlu mein bethey raho
[Sit here close to me]

Haaye mar jaayein ge
[I will die]

Hum to lutt jaayein ge
[I will be lost]

Aisi baatein kiya na karo
[Don't say such things]

Aaj jaane ki zid na karo
[Tonight, don’t insist on leaving]

Tumhi socho zara
[Just ponder for a second]

kyu'n na rokein tumhey
[Why shouldn't I stop you?]

jaan jaati hai jab uth ke jaatey ho tum
[When my life leaves every time you go]

tum ko apni qasam jaan-e-jaa'n
[I swear to you, my love]

baat itni meri maan lo
[Listen to my one request]

Aaj jaane ki zid na karo
[Tonight, don’t insist on leaving]

Waqt ki qaed mein zindagi hai magar
[Life is trapped in time's prison but]

chand gharriya'n yahi hain jo aazaad hain
[These are the few moments that are free]

inko khho kar kaheen jaan-e-jaa\'n
[By losing them, my love]

umr bhar na tarastey raho
[Don't start a life of regret]

Aaj jaane ki zid na karo
[Tonight, don’t insist on leaving]

Kitna masoom aur rangeen hai yeh sama
[How innocent and colorful is the weather]

husn aur ishq ki aaj me\'raj hai
[It is the reign of beauty and love]

kal ki kis ko khabar jaan-e-jaa\'n
[Who knows what tomorrow will bring]

rok lo aaj ki raat ko
[Let's stop this night right here]

Aaj jaane ki zid na karo
[Tonight, don’t insist on leaving]

Good ghazals site

Liked this site on Ghaazal:

Friday, December 08, 2006


Love only yourself, and you are alone.

Love only one other, and the two of you are alone.

Love only your family, and your family is alone.

Love only your nation, and your nation is alone.

There can be no communion, not even with yourself, except through love of God

Monday, December 04, 2006

Nothing is permanent

Refer to my earlier post"", there is a mention on similar lines on the uncertainities of life, I have something more from my fav site "Paul's Tips"

Check this exctract:

"Deep inside us all is a deep need to feel certainty about the world and our place in it. We like to think there are some things we can really rely on. Without certainty, life seems desperate and frightening.

In fact, it’s often when what we thought was true turns out to be wrong that we become most angry and depressed.

A man who finds his wife has been unfaithful, when previously he believed he had a wonderful marriage, finds the betrayal unbearable. Not only because he's lost something precious, but also because things were not as they seemed. A businessperson who thought they were indispensable to the company can be furious when they find themselves made redundant. A professor whose pet theory is shown false by new discoveries can feel as if she is threatened from all sides.

Having our certainties shattered can be a devastating blow.

But what really is certain in this life? The honest answer is – absolutely nothing."

For the entire article, check this link:

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Self Discipline

"This is strong evidence that what many of us already suspect is true - that self-discipline plays a big role in success.

This is good news in that it defines the problem for us. By being able to delay gratification when it's sensible to do so, we're more likely to lead good lives"

Check for the detailed artcile on:

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Death isnt just the end
but also a beginning
A birth of new life
Realization of love, life & death

Reflections on actions done
Memories of each flower picked
and the ones forgotten

An introduction to end of life
Change of perceptions
& living life fully
for what it all takes
...till death

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Are you there?
Where are you?
Do you reside within me?
Is life in me or I am a part of life?

Are you love?
Is life about love?
Is it about all the love I give...
or Is it all the love I receive?
Or is it about both giving and receiving?

Are you sacrifice?
The sacrifice of the 'I'?
or the sacrifice of the 'we'?

Are you an answer to my questions...?
Or are you a question in yourself?


I was reading this write-up by Suresh Jindal which is titled "Dependent Arising: The Delusion of 'I'". I want to share this excerpt from that which talks about the "cause of suffering". Go ahead and read what I pulled out:

"The Buddha taught that the True Causes of suffering are the three poisons of attachment, aversion and ignorance. Experientitally we know that other than bodily suffering, our mental and emotional suffering results from wanting to be in an uninterrupted embrace with sensual pleasures, and an aversion and hatred for objects and beings that obstruct this hedonistic warmth. Thus we want our wealth, health, fame, name, and romantic love to last foreer, and we fly into a demented rage of anger, despair and hatred against anything and anybody who blocks this sensually pulsating pursuit. The commonly held belief that things are permanent is a hallucination and an illusion. This ignorance of the true nature of reality is the root of delusion. This ignorance along with the aversion and attachment are the three poisons that are true cause of suffering. The afflictive emotions of anger, jealousy, pride, hatred etc. are result of our attachment to some experiences and persons and averion to others, on the assumption that they are permanent and last forever. This deluded way of perceiving reality causes the defilement and obsucarations that lead to suffering

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Nidhi's 2nd b'day fotos

Hi friends. Lost all my fotos as it was part of my laptop and my Flash drive that got stolen. Anyways I was lucky Amit had these fotos on his blog, check it out:

Astral Travel

From site :

"Astral Projection or Astral Travel is one of the most amazing experiences I have had the pleasure to participate in. It is quite simply, consciously leaving your body as it sleeps. It's like being awake whilst you are dreaming.
You leave your body and enter the astral realm, which is the next closest dimension to us here in the physical world. The astral realm is actually all around us we just can't see it. The astral realm contains all our thoughts and emotions. It is the place that we go to when we sleep. In our dream state we stay close to our physical body and we project emotional content from our subconscious mind. We are not conscious during this process. Being awake and conscious in this realm is known as astral travel. The main barrier to astral travel is you. You need to conquer yourself and clear your mind of thoughts and emotions to be able to successfully astral travel at will. You do this through personal development. Try the free ebook 'Unlock your Personal Power' you get it when you fill out the subscription box up there on the right hand side of the page. Well worth it!"

Sahaja Yoga

"Sahaja Yoga is a unique method of meditation based on an experience called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) that can occur within each human being. Through this process an inner transformation takes place by which one becomes moral, united, integrated and balanced.
One can actually feel the all pervading divine power as a cool breeze, as described in all religions and spiritual traditions of the world.This is the actualization of such transformation, which is taking place now, worldwide, and has been proved and experienced by hundreds of thousands in over "
visit web site:

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006


When there is a spiritual awakening within your being, thats when your morning begins.
You freshen up, flush out the poisons, start anew and its a fresh day to start off with.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Shaadi ke baad

Shaadi ke baad –

Patni kaise badalti hai? Zara gaur kijiye.

1st year: Maine kaha ji Khana kah lijiye, aapne kaafi der se kuch khaya nahi.
2nd year: Ji khana tyaar hai laga du.
3rd year: khana bann chukka hai jab khana ho toh bataa dena.
4th year. Khana banakar rakh diya hai main bazaar ja rahi hu, khud hi daal banakar kha lena. 5th year: Main kehti hoon mujhse aaj khana nahi banega hotel se le aao.
6th year: Jab dekho khana khana aur khana abhi subah toh khaya tha…

Monday, October 30, 2006

Self Control and Self Discipline

On the weekend I decided I needed to shed all laziness and self indulgence. I decided to start with food. Self Control on food. I didnt eat anything for 9 hours and well nothing happened ;-)
Infact I could sense a focus and meaning to life. There were further good effects. I did meditation before sleeping, spent some time in Pranayama the next day and at work I was able to do focussed reading of training material which I wasnt able to do for some weeks.

Self Control & Discipline is to respect oneself and set goals. In Landmark technology (for my friends at Landmark) its being unreasonable. Going beyond reasons. When we want to be comfortable we easily give a lot of reasons and excuses which can all be thrown to trash.

So start your day afresh "Love yourself". Set some goals like shedding a bad habit and feel all the goodness flow in :-)

Check out this site I discovered:

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Nidhi enjoying the party

Nidhi enjoyed the songs and danced to some tunes..:-)

Route to work

Really like my drive to work, check some pics

Amit's b'day - as the party progresses

Some action fotos on Amit's b'day :-)

Amit's B'day

Check out fotos of Amit's b'day. Other than the b'day boy, Anurag, Anand, Sonu, Monu, Aseem, Nidhi & I were part of the celebration.

Some fotos of Nidhi

Check these fotos in ghagra and some fotos with real funny expressions :-)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Diwali Lights

Diwali was special this time for Nidhi as she had her grandparents around. Also we visited her cousins who stay close by. She was terrified when she saw/heard Diwali fireworks being played. So I didnt bother to play any crackers this time. Decorated the house with lights as usual. Check the fotos

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


My daughter Nidhi and her neighbour Het are the best of friends now. They enjoy time together, playing games, cycling etc. They can spend 3-4 hours with each other and never tire and when we try to get them back to their homes they would cry and fight. A few days back i got Nidhi her milk to drink, Heth snatched it from my hand and held the bottle for Nidhi to drink, check out the foto. They have their share of fights and hitting each other too :-)

Shifting to own house

So after a long wait of 3 years we finally moved to our flat. Ths joy of arranging and beautifying the new place is tremendous. It sometimes does get a little trying but its certainly worth the effort.

Now we are almost through with most of the setting up, still need to install some designer lights :-)

New job

I am enjoying joining a new job, a different role and totally new environment. Tho' things may not be as comfortable moving out of one's comfort zone, I am actually enjoying the daily learning.

There is a freshness in the air and huge scope to learn and perform in a new way. I have great love and fondness for my last company. I like what all it has given to me. I never wanted to leave out of frustration but rather just looking at a new opportunity as is and not because of hatred towards the old job. Frankly there was no reason to do so as I had the best of times in terms of professional and personal life in my earlier job.

Here I am looking forward to work and to contribute to the organization

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The past in the present

The past in the present

"If you accept a limiting belief, then it will become a truth for you."

-- Louise Hay

Pick one aspect of your life, e.g. your health, your competence, your prosperity or relationships, and think back to when you were a child. What messages about this subject did you hear from adults at that time that are still playing on your subconscious tape recorder? Messages like: "Men can't be trusted." "Money doesn't grow on trees." "You're not smart enough to succeed in business."

How is your world reflecting your beliefs back to you, today?

"There are no limitations to the self except those you believe in."

-- Seth

Friday, May 26, 2006

Grief over death

We grieve because we miss the company of the one we loved.
We miss touching them and sharing the journey together.
Letting go is painful. It is difficult to see that 'death' is in fact a new beginning.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

First visit to Old age home

Deepak (a good friend & part of the senior citizens club project) and I decided to go to an old age home to provide our services as volunteers. When we entered the office, there were 3 elderly people who looked at us questioningly. I just blurted out "We have come to volunteer in the old age home". One of them responded to us and the others looked totally dazed and lost. He told us to pull 2 stools in front of his desk. We introduced ourselves. He asked what we do and I told him where I am working. It was tough for Deepak as he had to tell I was working but currently looking for another job. Deepak made a brave decision of leaving his job so that he can search the job of his choice. When we had settled down then he asked us what we had in mind and how we can offer our services. We asked if he had any need for volunteers. He wasn’t sure if he can really list out what we could do but felt we can certainly start meeting the members. He felt maybe the old age home occupants could give ideas what they would need to make things better for them. I asked his name, he told he was Prabhu and the in charge of the place. We would need to get permission for volunteering from the chairman who was not available right now and he wasn’t sure when he would be available. He suggested we could write a letter which he could get approved from the Chairman.

So Mr. Prabhu led us from his office to old age home which was a 2 min walk. We chatted with him about his family, what he has been doing and about the old age home. Mr. Prabhu had retired from his job and settled down in Bangalore for his children’s education. He mentioned that the occupants had to pay for the rent and services at the old age home. Mr. Prabhu seemed a very nice relaxed person. He showed us the facilities they had, a kitchen and entertainment area. The place was neat and well kept. Then there were series of rooms with 11 occupants in all in the Old Age home. He took us directly to a couple's room. There was a maid attending to them. Both of them were lying on beds but were wide awake. The room was brightly lit as it had a big window. Prabhu told hello to the man lying down. The man replied that he wasn’t keeping well and wouldn’t get up. When we took chairs and settled down. He suddenly got up to chat with us. His speech was slurred and initially it was really difficult to catch what he would say. I asked his name and he told he was R Radhagopalan. I asked him another question as how long he was here. He told it’s been 3 years. Then he asked me if I have come here to ask questions and I laughed & told him if he wants he can ask us questions. He asked me “Why are you here? What will you do?” I told I really don’t know how I can help but want to begin my awareness and then can get some ideas of helping or bringing in help. He asked if I can answer a simple question. I told yes. He asked me if I knew "how many months are there in the year?” I answered "12". He then asked how many months have 30 days. I loudly ran my favorite poem "30 days hath September, April, June and November...” I answered 5...he told “are you sure?”...I realized I counted wrong and I answered 4. He told again "Are you sure?” I told yes. Then he asked how many days have Jan. I told him 31 he told don’t that have 30 days. I said yes indeed it has. I got the trick and I told “oh all months have 30”...”that’s cool” He then corrected “except Feb”. I said yeah. I laughed and requested him not to ask any puzzles any more for sometime :-)

He then told us that he was around 63 and just waiting to die. He has Parkinson disease and has been paralyzed in the back, legs and fingers because of being knocked down by a Bus. He was in the Indian Air Force and few months of his retirement this accident occurred and it has changed his life. Some months later his wife got hit by an auto as she was in coma for 2 days as she didn’t get immediate medical attention. She has lost her memory and cannot move at all. He felt bad that he can’t do his duties towards his wife because of his state. Even though he was suffering physically, he was fine mentally unlike his wife who had lost sense of memory. He then narrated more details about his family. He has 3 daughters and had lost a son in a truck accident who died after 3 days after the accident. He felt that it was good his son didn’t survive else he would have to suffer all life. His daughter also had met with a road accident but she survived and is perfectly fine. When he narrated this Deepak almost let out a laugh. It didn’t feel real, it felt he was senile and kept telling that everyone in his family met with an accident though later we realized it was all true. He then added with black humor, we got hit by all kind of vehicles, if there was any vehicle left to hit someone else in his family, its the matador.

He told me to talk to his wife who understands Hindi and Kannada other than Tamil her mother tongue. I went next to her and sat on the bed and started talking to her. She spoke a mix of some languages and I got totally confused. I called Deepak for help. She asked Deepak if he understood Kannada to which replied in the positive. She spoke in Hindi and Tamil and again asked what language he spoke. He confirmed 3-4 times that he spoke Kannada and then she spoke to him. She narrated how the accident happened. Then Mr Radhagopalan called us and told me to get a match box from the Pooja place. I got it and he told me to get 6 match sticks. He asked me to arrange the sticks in such a way that it forms 4 triangles. I tried and gave up in a few tries. He then solved the puzzle and showed us.

He played another game where one can test their concentration. It goes like he would say "hello" then I should reply "hello". He says "Where are you from?" then I should say the name of a place, e.g. "Bangalore". Then the next question "Did you take bath?" and we should say "yes". Did you have food? And the reply should be "yes". The last question "what did you eat?" and the reply should be some food item e.g. "Idli Sambar". The rule was that the name and food item changes every time this set was repeated. All other answers were the same. If we could do 5 sets successfully without hesitating (no aah, hmm etc) it was a PASS else a FAIL. I failed miserably. I suggested him to shoot this to Deepak too. Deepak was not getting any puzzles till now I was handling all of them ;-). Deepak too failed miserably :-)

Prabhu then ordered some coffee for us from the kitchen. The maid got coffee for Prabhu, Deepak and I. She got hot milk for Mr Radhagopalan. His wife told she would have it later. The coffee was good we really enjoyed it. Mr Prabhu asked Mr. Radhagopalan to let us know what areas he would need help from us. He told the main area is medication, he is not getting the kind of treatment he should get and also that the medicines are very expensive. He felt the main problem was money. He told that he is spending Rupees 13,500 per month out of which 3500 goes to the maid, 4000 for medicines and the rest for occupying the old age home. After that we asked permission to leave. Mr Radhagopalan had lots to say though and he started narrating a story of his life and Mr Prabhu realized that this conversation will go long, so he interrupted him and we told our good byes and came out from the room. Outside we met 2 more occupants. They looked healthy unlike the couple we met. We told them we would come again and talk to them in detail.
We asked Mr Prabhu as we walked back to his office if the doctor who comes is a specialist. He told that he is a GP and cannot help much. We then told our byes to Mr Prabhu and thanked him for his support and efforts.

We came out of the Ashram and were discussing what all we need to do to help out. After this we had planned to go to another Old age place in Banashankari. I checked with Deepak if he wanted to go there. He told he cannot deal with too much in a day. I too agreed, the whole experience left us very heavy to deal with anything more. Also that gave us a good reality check on what we are heading to. It has made our determination stronger, there is lot of learning to be done in order to deal with situations and help the senior citizens.

This experience doesn’t end here. We will be going back to the Ashram every 2-3 days to volunteer and coordinate activities. We are planning to conduct some cultural activities, create bonding among occupants (which Mr Prabhu felt was one key issue) and arrange medical camps.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Love for Life

What can be the greatest inspiration to live? Loving and living life to the fullest and the powerful being I am inspite of fears, downfalls, hatred....

Give me life and I will sip it slowly, enjoy it moment by moment.....

Give me love and I will spread it all around me to create joy & happiness

What a treasure life is? What a wonderful gift? I am in such great awe of being a part of this wonderful world!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Meditating 3 times a day

I was lucky to find good friends at MG Road office so as to form a meditation group. We meet everyday at 1:30pm to medidate for 20 mins. Its a ladies group and the comfort level is there also the dedication is high.

A colleague of mine introduced me to a program by MORPHO thinkers group. I attended out of curiosity. It was a good 1 day workshop where we were taught meditation & breathing techniques. The take away from the session was 30 day meditation schedule which I can follow. So now I do meditation based on these techniques.

That makes my meditation 3 times a day. The feeling is great.

And to add I go to the gym on alternate days...:-)

To know more about morpho thinkers, refer to the following links:

Friday, March 10, 2006

Subtle Gender Bias at the workplace

The Gender Bias in the workplace was more prominent some years back and most of us are mistaken that its very less now. Yes things are not happening as you can see it clearly but its there. There is a subtle gender bias. Some of the things male colleagues practise maybe unconciously.

If a woman plans to get married or start a family, its assumed that she is not willing to continue as she was doing before. That she would not be able to perform better. Also the male bosses base decisions and opinions based on past experiences where they have seen women slowing down in their career as their responsiblities at home increase. They however fail to understand that all women may not be in the same frame of mind. Some have support systems in place and they can actually work as good as a male can. Also if a man has family issues to attend to he is allowed to relax a bit but if a woman has issues her career is downhill.

Its also observed that men who are married to a houswife dont have any understanding and are very biased towards the women in the workplace. They dont believe the women are in par with them and can perform as well.

There is this guy in our group who was all excited to comment, he is by the way mentored by the Babu(refer my earlier post on Babu) so I know where the thought process is coming from. He says "Oh you women get kids and now cannot contribute anything to work so come to this kind of role." He was referring to another lady in the group who was doing a role which men feel isnt worthwhile and told things which were quite demeaning.

Another colleague of mine tells me, how long can you work: once your kid starts going to school you need to leave. He says your work career cant be too long. Well you will not be surprised that his wife is a homemaker and why his thinking pattern is so. He is also supposedly a good friend and this all we get as encouragement to go on.

To end this post let me mention another incident in my workplace. There was this male colleague who used to rush home around 4:30pm. One day another male colleague mentions: "You know he is doing his responsibilities as a father and has to go home early to take care of his child". What immediately crossed my mind was if it was a woman, she would be told that now she cant take so many responsiblties in the workplace and cannot continue with the same vigor if she needs to contribute at home too.....these are the ways of the male world :-)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Success & Happiness

I look around from my corner and see people working, talking, laughing and the daily sights at the work place. None can be more blessed than me to see this kind of experiences on a daily basis. They are good sources for my blog content.

Occasionally I brood about what am I trying to achieve at the workplace. What are these people accomplishing?

Today I accidentally hit upon this quote on the internet, it goes:

If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for a passionate sense of what might be, for the eye, which ever young and ardent sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints, possibility never. And what wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so intoxicating as possibility!
Soren Kierkegaard

I finally come down to one thing. How does one define success? Is success the same as happiness?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Shiva Bhajans

Bhole Ki Jai Jai
Shivji Ki Jai Jai

Parvati Pati Shivji Ki Jai Jai

Dum Dum Dum Dum Dumroo Bajee
Bhole Nath Shiva Shambho Bajee
Kashi Nath Shiva Shambho Bajee

Ghan Ghan Ghan Ghan Ghanta Bajee
Bhole Nath Shiva Shambho Bajee
Kashi Nath Shiva Shambho Bajee

Shiv Shambho Bajee
Shiv Shambho Bajee
namaH paarvatii pataye hara hara
hara hara sha.nkara mahaadeva
hara hara hara hara mahaadeva
shiva shiva shiva shiva sadaa shiva
mahaadeva sadaashiva
sadaashiva mahaadeva
mR^ityu.njayaaya namaH OM
tryaMbakaaya namaH OM
li.ngeshvaraaya namaH OM
saaIshvaraaya namaH OM
OM namaH shivaaya namaH OM (4)
cha.ndra kalaadhara saaMba sadaa shiva
shambho mahaadeva
shiva shambho mahaadeva (2)
OM namaH shivaaya, shivaaya namaH OM
shambho sha.nkara taaNDava priya kara
hara hara sha.nkara jaya deva (3)
OM shivaaya OM shivaaya OM shivaaya
Dama Dama Dama Dama Damaruu bhole
ghana ghana ghana ghana gha.nTaa bhaje
janaka janaka taka payale paaye
kailaasa vaasa umaa pate
hara trishuula umaa pate
hara trinetra gaurii pate
OM shivaaya OM shivaaya OM shivaaya

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year - 2006

Nice New Year Wishes I received on mail:

Did you know that every moment, the cells inside you are splitting to form new ones, replacing the old and the dead? Your skin is growing at a rate, such that technically speaking it's a 'new' person that you see in the mirror every morning. The cells which made up your face are dead and gone, replaced by a new set. Just that the replacement is so perfect, you can't make out any difference.
The New Year doesn't start on the first day of January. It starts daily; in fact it starts at every moment with a new 'YOU'. So wishing you a very bright and Happy New ‘You’!