Finally got a handful of volunteers and we all headed to the Old Age Home. Some were new volunteers, Prax and Sujeet. Deepak couldnt make it this time, looking forward to his presence next week, we need lot of help.
When we met the people in there, it was so much fun. It was like a celebration. We were chatting with 2 ladies who came in recently. One of them was thrilled to see us and she said "Great you guys came we were talking to the management for an outing or picnic". And another lady suggested: "We can plan moonlight dinner". We were like WOW and we laughed. Then she explained though. She told that when she was younger they used to plan moonlight dinners for all the old including her Mother in law. So they used to go an open space and spread out food in the night. Enjoying the food under the moon :)
Sidharth, who has been with the group for long had got fotos of the party we had last year. All of them enjoyed watching themselves in the pics. Mr. Doraiswamy was surprised to see his foto. He remarked "Is my hair all white?"..we joked and suggested him to color it if he would like it :)
So we promised them a party on coming Saturday. We have 3 days to go and lots to plan..hey guys lets rush!!! :)
Coffee, Wine, Tea....
13 years ago
hello satya.. chanced upon ur blog and realised u link to mine.. how come u have never commented? read thru some of ur posts.. if u do read mine, then leave a comment sometime :)
Aww What a perfect way to spend a saturday...
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