Reading Paulo Coelho's "The Witch of Portobello", liked these lines:
"But time, as well as healing all wounds, taught me something strange too: that its possible to love more than one person in a lifetime. I remarried. I'm very happy with my new wife, and I can't imagine living without her. This, however, doesn't mean that I have to renounce all my past experiences, as long as I'm careful not to compare my two lives. You can't measure love the way you can the length of a road or the height of a building."
Coffee, Wine, Tea....
13 years ago
hiya .. ive seriously been wanting to read that book.. howzzit??... btw nice blog.. chk mine out n comment when ur free...
Dear Satyadarshini,
Paulo Coelho got wind of your blog through aart hilal and wants to post this article on his blog.
Paulo Coelho's blog
In case you have any restrictions, do not hesitate to write me on my email :
Have a wonderful day!
And here's a quote to ponder:
"The warrior of Light perseveres in his desire,
but knows he must wait for the best moment.” Paulo Coelho
Oh has been a great day all the while....
and if I get this comment...I am close to dead...heehhee :)
Liked the quote, more like an advise for me at the right time of life...bcos I am so impatient...:)
Hey "Cloud..."
Read ur a glimpse of it actually....:)...looks great ..gonna digest more of it..!!
Abt the book...I feel there is no Paulo Coelho book I cud rate as good or bad...its just a step in spiritual path for me with each book :)
what a coincidence!am reading my first coelho book...the alchemist..can say for sure that am proud of the decisions that I have taken in life...and that the book reaffirms them with every page..
have even ear marked some passages to read and mull over...
this one too is so thought provoking.....
Dear Gazal
Alchemist is a good way to start with...:)
For me, reading and Paulo Coelho book is re-connecting with the soul..:)
hey Shyma thanks :)
where have u been? .....
hey how bout 10 ppl u wanna bitch bout... im doing that...
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