Writhing in extreme pain
a broken wing and bleeding
the bird battled in vain
getting closer I lifted it
it was an unbearable sight
I was weeping at its plight
cleaning its wounds gently
nursing it back to good health
giving away life and blood
to see its heart flutter back
kissing, loving and touching
it smiled back and frolicked
we played in the sunshine
the darkness and the moon
a fine day it was ready to fly
flew far away to a distant land
as I looked up the sky tearfully
watching the bird's awaited flight
we r in dis world for some purpose....for dat bird u r in dis world as a saviour...jas cherish d lovely memories :) daz how life is.
yeah so so true....u r lovely Vats. Actually ur comment came right in time..!! :) u kind of my savior, hehe :)
me n ur saviour! how?
ur wise words :) sometimes a quote we read just comes right in time for a situation we are in....ur comment felt the same..:)
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